handicapped children are those with physical limitation or health problems. The
limitations interfere with the learning. And because of these limitations they
need special services, training, equipments and other facilities.
The most common condition and diseases that cause physical handicap are neurological impairment, musculoskeletal conditions and congenital malformation.
The most common condition and diseases that cause physical handicap are neurological impairment, musculoskeletal conditions and congenital malformation.
impairment is the damage or deterioration of nervous system. The example of
this impairment is cerebral palsy (CP). This condition is characterized by
paralysis, weaknesses, incoordination and other motor disfunction.
Spina bifida and polio are other examples of neurological impairment. Spina bifida is a congenital defect of opening in the bony spinal column that fails to close during the fetal development. Children with spina bifida may have paralysis at the lower limbs. Poliomyelities is a disease that attact the nerves along the spinal cord or brain.
conditions are the defects or diseases of the muscles and bones. These
conditions involve problems at the legs, arms, joints or scolioses due to the
diseases or accidents. These problems can make the children difficult to walk,
stand, sit or use their hands.
malformations are defects because of the genetic factor contributed by the
mother and/ or father. These defect may be caused by faulty chromosomes. This
malformation is characterized by the missing limbs or phocomelia in which the
limbs are extremely short.
with physical disability need certain devices like wheelchair, braces, and
other facilities. They need opportunity to develop educationally, socially, and
emotionally for their lives in as normal conditions as possible. For their
daily activity they also need special assistance in term of mobility and
occupational skills.
5 komentar:
Untuk individu yang lumpuh itu termasuk dalam CP/Tunadaksa ?
kalau yang lumpuh itu termasuk tunadaksa...
Mungkin formatnya perlu dibenahi.
iya, terima kasih atas masukannya :)
semoga bermanfaat,kakak :D
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